Per user / per year
Sign up for a associate membership if you are:
- An assitive technology user or family member of someone who uses assistive technology
- Assistive Technology Suppliers (ATS). An ATS is defined as any supplier who is involved with the sale or service of rehabilitation equipment, assistive technology and commercially available products and devices.
Please note that associate memebership is non-voting
Per user / per year
Sign up for a practitioner membership if you are:
- A credentialed Assessor under the Ministry of Health scheme
- An ACC approved Assistive Technology assessor and/or provider
- A member of a related professional body e.g. speech-language therapist, occupational therapist, teacher, psychologist) working or seeking to work in assistive technology service provision
- Managers of services who are actively involved in the provision or development of direct services in Assistive Technology.
Practitioner members can vote at AGMs, or stand as Trustees.
Per user / per year
Sign up for student memebership if you are:
Currently enrolled in a course of study in a field related to assistive technology
Don’t know what to choose?
Contact us to get help with your plan.
Membership Benefits
The Assistive Technology Alliance New Zealand, aims to promote Assistive Technology by ensuring quality assistive technology service provision through the establishment and monitoring of best practice assistive technology standards. To achieve these aims, ATANZ supports its members in the following ways:
- ATANZ membership is a current requirement for MoH Accreditation for Communication Assistive Technology – this is to ensure all accredited assessors have access to appropriate supervision, trial equipment, professional development and resources about AAC
- Members have access to the loan equipment – for more details on this visit the loan equipment page
- We organise AAC specific professional development opportunities. Membership provides subsided enrolment in ATANZ run events.
- ATANZ sends regular email updates and information on professional development opportunities, and research opportunities
- Access to Grants and Awards – see our grants page for more details
- ATANZ is a platform where AAC providers can have a voice, and where information and resources about AAC, communication, and assistive technology are shared.
- ATANZ works in partnership with key organisations to build support and high quality services in Aotearoa, such as TalkLink Trust, New Zealand Speech-Language Therapy Association, Ministry of Health.
- ATANZ provides advocacy in the area of assistive technology – working in a range of settings to provide guidance, and making contributions to relevant select committees or other forms of feedback.
If you have questions or suggestions of how ATANZ could further increase its membership benefits, get in touch
NOTE: For the purposes of ATANZ, assistive technology is defined as “any item, piece of equipment or product system whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified or customised that is used to increase or improve functional capabilities of people with disabilities” (Cook and Hussey)

Frequently Asked
You'll get an email when your subscription is due to expire in 30 days.
If you want to renew - follow the link in the email, or login to the website, go to your membership profile and renew there.
If you don't want to renew - no problem. You will no longer recieve the membership benefits, but you can still access the website with your same login details, and you can keep getting our newsletter. If you want to renew your membership later, you can login with your same details in future and renew.
Memberships last for 1 year. We aren't able to offer a part year membership.
No problem, you can join our mailing list here: (link)
You can access the ATANZ website, and find out about events, but you won't get the members benefits (e.g. access to trial equipment or discounted events).
If you have changed your details (e.g. you moved work places and have a new email now), you can still access your account. Login with your login name and password, go to Membership Profile and update your details there.
If you can't remember your login details - email
Didn’t find the answer to your question?
Contact us for more information.