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On Demand Recording: Core Boards: An Evidence Based Approach to Training and Coaching Communication Partners

Did you miss out on the live webinar? 

Core Boards- An Evidence Based Approach to Training and Coaching Communication Partners

with Sam Brydon

No need to worry, as ATANZ is excited to announce that the recorded session is now available for registration.


Length of webinar: 1.5 hours


  • $40 for ATANZ members
  • $65 for non-members
  • $20 Parent/whānau attendees
  • $20 Other/student attendees

About this webinar:

What happens when you introduce a 77-cell core board with fringe vocabulary for pre-school children with complex communication needs and then provide truly comprehensive support to the family?

Back in 2017, when Sam first decided to carry out some research through Massey University, core boards were under fire from some sectors because of the lack of evidence for their use with children who need to use AAC. 

Over the past 4 years in collaboration with her supervisors, Sam has designed and carried out a year-long intervention as part of a multiple case study, with the intention to provide some evidence towards the use of core boards as an AAC tool. Once she had started this research, she realised that no AAC system can be successful without communication partner support. 

A large part of Sam's study involved working with her supervision team to create a training and coaching package for parents to ensure they knew how to support their child to become a successful AAC user. She continued to collect maintenance data for a year. The results are now in, the data is analysed and Sam is keen to share them with a wider audience!

This presentation will include an overview of the research, some detail about the training and coaching package, and the results obtained for both children and parents, including some really great videos. 


Sam Brydon qualified as a Speech Language Pathologist in 1993 from Manchester University in England. Since then, she has worked as a social worker and then as a Speech Language Therapist, with over 20 years' experience in the areas of early intervention and, more recently, AAC. Sam emigrated to Aotearoa/ New Zealand in 2007, and has worked for both Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga (Ministry of Education) and then at Patricia Avenue Specialist School. Her passion for evidence based AAC led her to undertake doctoral research with Massey University, starting in 2018. She has completed a year-long research intervention that looks at using a core board with pre-school children with complex communication needs, alongside a comprehensive training and coaching package for their parents. Sam is currently finishing writing up her thesis and is keen to share the exciting results of her research study. She lives with her partner on a remote hill near Cambridge, along with a pack of furry companions.  



Please contact us with any questions at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Event Properties

Event Date 18-10-2023
Event End Date 31-12-2024
Cut off date 31-12-2024
Capacity 50
Registered 30
Available place 20
Individual Price $40 ATANZ member - $65 non-ATANZ member - $20 whānau & SLT/OT/teaching students