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Discounts are available for ATANZ members.

There will be a delay in sending invoices for registrations until mid-January due to the summer shutdown.

In case registrations have reached their max capacity, please don't hesitate to email us at so we are aware of your interest and we will add you to the waiting list. 

Literacy for All Intensive Course - 26 to 30 June 2023 - registration opens 10 Feb 2023

ATANZ is excited to host 

Literacy For All Intensive Course

presented by Dr Sally Clendon and Jane Farrall


26th to 30th June 2023

9:00am to 4pm, Monday to Thursday

9:00am to 3pm, Friday

The Literacy For All Intensive Course is a 5-day instructional course that covers theoretical and practical aspects of comprehensive literacy instruction for children and adults with disabilities, including complex communication needs.

The course covers literacy assessment and teaching for both emergent and conventional readers and writers and will offer access to a number of practical resources through the course website which is only available to attendees.

Cost:  $1750 ($1650 for members)

Location - Auckland – Victory Convention Centre, 98 Beaumont St,  Freemans Bay, Auckland.

Registrations -  

  • Close 12 June 2023 or when sold out – places are limited!
  • Until 15th May registrations will only be open to people working within New Zealand. After 15th May, anyone may apply. . 
  • Ensure you log in with your ATANZ membership to access the member discount rates. There are no group discounts.

Why should you attend this literacy course?
This course will empower teams seeking more information about teaching students at the emergent literacy stage. It will answer questions like:

  • What do literacy opportunities and instruction look like for students who are unable to read aloud or cannot hold a standard pencil?
  • How do you teach early literacy skills to older students effectively and respectfully?

Sally and Jane are well-known for answering these questions in a fun, powerful way using practical videos and examples.

This course will also cover the next stage of literacy development for those students who have an effective means of communication (typically speech, sign and/or aided AAC), have some foundational alphabet knowledge, understand that print has meaning, and are engaged and interact during shared reading.

This content is ideal for teachers who are working with ākonga who are working within level 1 of the NZ curriculum. It will also lay the foundation and a pathway towards structured literacy programmes being embraced across the country.

Our goals is for all students to have excellent literacy instruction and support at all stages of the learning journey!

The course includes:

  • The rationale behind comprehensive literacy instruction, followed by an overview of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
  • An in-depth dive into emergent literacy instruction for all students, with a focus on shared reading, emergent writing, self-selected reading, teaching letters and sounds and emergent assessment
  • Further in-depth work around early conventional literacy instruction, including comprehension instruction, independent reading, working with words and writing instruction
  • The course finishes with a focus on assessment and planning

Attending this course will give you a toolkit of strategies, activities and ideas to improve the literacy outcomes for ALL students.

The course is designed for anyone who wants to support one or more students with disabilities to improve their literacy skills, including teachers, leadership teams, therapists and parents.

Our goals is for all students to have excellent literacy instruction and support at all stages of the learning journey!

The course includes:

  • The rationale behind comprehensive literacy instruction, followed by an overview of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
  • An in-depth dive into emergent literacy instruction for all students, with a focus on shared reading, emergent writing, self-selected reading, teaching letters and sounds and emergent assessment
  • Further in-depth work around early conventional literacy instruction, including comprehension instruction, independent reading, working with words and writing instruction
  • The course finishes with a focus on assessment and planning

Attending this course will give you a toolkit of strategies, activities and ideas to improve the literacy outcomes for ALL students.

The course is designed for anyone who wants to support one or more students with disabilities to improve their literacy skills, including teachers, leadership teams, therapists and parents.


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Presenter Bio

Jane Farrall is an Australian speech pathologist and special educator passionate about literacy, AAC and assistive technology. After 30 years in the disability and assistive technology field, she has lots of practical experience working with people with a range of abilities. Jane has worked as both a therapist and literacy teacher. She has also worked as an assistive technology specialist and is currently working as an independent consultant, running workshops and consulting with schools around Australia. Her consultancy work focuses on implementing AAC and comprehensive literacy for all students.

As well as presenting workshops in Australia and internationally, Jane shares resources on her blog, her two websites and through online training – and she also has extensive experience running camps, workshops, and conferences on AAC and literacy in AAC. You can read more about Jane at  and her literacy work here

Sally Clendon is a speech-language therapist and an Associate Professor in the Speech and Language Therapy Programme at Massey University in the areas of language and literacy development for children with disabilities, particularly those with complex communication needs (CCN) who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). In addition, Sally has an Honorary Appointment as an Adjunct Senior Fellow in the Child Well-being Research Institute at the University of Canterbury and as a Research Affiliate of the Centre for Literacy and Disability Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is an Associate Editor of the AAC journal. Sally has delivered workshops nationally and internationally with a focus on empowering communication partners to create optimal language and literacy learning environments.  She is passionate about getting literacy right for ākonga with complex communication and learning needs.  She is an advocate working across New Zealand to support educators on their journey towards feeling confident in teaching students to enjoy and find success with literacy. 

Event Properties

Event Date 26-06-2023
Event End Date 30-06-2023
Cut off date 12-06-2023 11:55 pm
Capacity 50
Registered 50
Available place 0
Individual Price 1750 for non member, 1650 for members
Location Victory Convention Centre

Sorry, the event is now full and we could not accept more registration

Location Map